Levi Starrett
Software Engineer
+1 (765) 532-4829
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Lafayette, IN
Jan 2016 - Apr 2019
Mar 2022 - present
One Fact, Inc (onefact.net)
Software Engineer, Software Architect
- Lead the One Fact engineering team in developing xtUML modeling and code
generation tools
- Responsible for projects, work with contractors, interact with clients
- Present and represent the company in meetings with clients and conference
Lafayette, IN
Aug 2021 - - present
Faith Christian School (faithlafayette.org)
Mathematics Teacher
- Teach middle school pre-algebra
Lafayette, IN
Apr 2019 - present
Brooklyn, LLC (self-employed)
Contract Software Engineer, Consultant
- Define, plan, execute, and deliver large software projects
- Large projects include timelines > 6 months and $50K
Wolcott, IN
Apr 2019 - Aug 2021
Rogo Ag, LLC (rogoag.com)
Software Engineer, Engineering Manager
- Independently architected and built software systems for autonomous soil sampling
- Built and tested RTK/INS based navigation systems for skid steer and wheeled robots
- Developed web applications and backend services to meet business requirements
- Designed requirements and project plans to drive progress by understanding
business needs and applying engineering solutions
- Recurring presenter at the xtUML Days modeling conference
- Presenter at the 2018 MODELS conference in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Delivered a software training course twice in Cheltenham, UK (2016, 2017)
- Ciera model compiler (ciera.io)
- Author of the Ciera model compiler designed to generate complete code for
xtUML and MASL applications
- The compiler open source and is currently in use in enterprise applications
- Church Member (Faith Church of Lafayette)
- Major languages: C, Python, Java, JavaScript
- Tools/Frameworks: ReactJS, Docker, Maven, AWS, BridgePoint
- Background in systems design, operating systems, compilers
- Experience in robotics, working with mechanical and electrical design
constraints, embedded real-time platforms, control systems
- Well-versed in engineering process, version control, DevOps
- Strong problem-solver/integrator, able to break down complex problems to find
the next step and get the job done
- Lifetime learner, always actively seeking to learn new tools and techniques
as sell as develop soft skills
- Engineering manager (Rogo)
- Led a team of 8 engineers to define priorities and desired results and to
foster accountability
- Mix of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software enginnering
team members, including working with external contractors
- Like to get hands on with the product and team members and “get dirty out
in the field” to assure quality.
- Engineering project lead at One Fact (Project Primus)
- Drove requirements specification, prototyping and proposals
- Performed in depth analysis and provided sizing estimates for work contract
- Designed and implemented features and test cases to satify the requirements
- Worked on a delivery schedule and communicated with customers
- Undergrad Lecturer for Purdue CS 193 Tools course
- Primary lecturer for CS 193 Tools at Purdue University (Fall 2015). 400+ students
- Cover topics such as linux, bash, vim, git, eclipse, debugging, etc
- Developed much of the course material including labs, lecture slides, and demos
Purdue University
Dec 2016
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
focus in Systems and Software Engineering
- Undergraduate Student Board (USB) member 2014-2016
- CS 193 lecturer Fall 2015
- Aided in development of CS 101 (Digital Literacy) course Spring 2016
- CS merit scholarship recipient (2015, 2016)
- Exceptional Junior award 2015
Available on request.